While making out with Bruno Mars last night, it hit me, I have an obsession with food. I turned to Bruno Starry Eyes Mars, my name for him, and stared straight into his eyes and said, "Baby, I'm hungry". Bruno eased my famish body and said, "Don't worry, Coco, our buddy, Thomas Keller, is in the kitchen now preparing a feast for us". Life at that moment was complete; I had Bruno in my arms and I was about to have Keller in my tummy...
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I have Peter Pan Syndrome. It's official.
I grew up wanting to be an adult for as long as I can remember. I have always been a pretty bloodthirsty and competitive individual and truthfully, not much has changed over the years. I took the most rigorous classes when I was in school and I strived to produce the most outstanding results. I was always the overachiever. I even was a top-notch concert pianist; but that's not something to brag about since I am half-Asian and we all know that Asians are naturally better at classical music and math...