Philobat /ˈfɪlə(ʊ)bat/ (Noun)- A personality type characterized by enjoyment of the challenge of coping alone with dangerous and uncertain situations. They say a philobat is someone who loves to go places. A person that avoids attaching themselves to people or places because they strive primarily for adventure and change. In a way, it’s hard to think that this isn’t a completely accurate representation of both Emily and myself… it’s hard to think of another person that approaches adventure in the same way…
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Generally speaking, I relax by watching films, surfing the net for art, furniture, or home decor, reading design books, drinking tea, washing my face with my 10-step Korean beauty process, waking up without an alarm and going to a late brunch with girlfriends in the West Village, working on my City Guides, taking long baths, and traveling to foreign lands. I guess you can say that I’ve been doing a number of those things to help me get rebalanced again on this trip...
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